Re: Janueri (working name) critique
Are the /l/s (els) taller on purpose?1 -
Re: Janueri (working name) critique
On the shortened ascenders, looks pretty good, maybe you went a touch too far? It'll be easier to see on the pdf. Don't forget the /l/! Those flipped serifs make a huge difference in "flow,"…2 -
Re: Janueri (working name) critique
Those asymmetrical serifs feel backwards to me, and consequentially the letters feel more self-contained rather than fluent with their neighbors. (As Thomas notes, the detail either way gets lost at …1 -
Re: Maximum UPM for .otf fonts?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF7odK55gkI2 -
Re: Amal by Plu Victorien
Well, they haven't stopped everybody from using blackletter.3